+86 15632290093

Экспортный тип мобильного козлового крана

1.устойчивый подъем, сильная несущая способность, подвижный, легко разбирается
2.Широко используется для удовлетворения различных потребностей: производство мастерских, складская логистика, портовые терминалы, обслуживание транспортных средств
3.Подъем вверх и вниз и перемещение в сторону
Главная балка портальной рамы - двутавровая балка, которая может нагружать и может быть использована как поперечный трек подъемника, который является гибким и удобным
4. Завод прямых продаж поддержка пользовательских спецификаций в комплекте
  • Техническая спецификация






Regarding the height and tonnage of customization, the larger the model, the greater the volume and weight, the need for external forces during installation, such as forklift cranes, etc., please consider the installation environment before customization, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.



1.Check the brake, hook and wire rope according to the requirements, and eliminate the abnormal phenomenon.

2.The operator must confirm that no one is on the platform or track before closing the power supply. When the power protector is locked or there is a sign, it should be removed by the original relevant personnel before it can be switched on.



① After the gantry operation (assembly) is completed, the load test should be carried out; The test is divided into static load and dynamic load to check the operation capacity, bearing capacity, stability and reliability of each system. panic

②When lifting heavy objects for the first time, the heavy objects should be put down again when the lifting height is 30 cm from the ground, check the brake performance, and then carry out normal operation after confirming that it is reliable.

③ When the gantry frame is running, it should be parallel and stable, and it should not be distorted.

④There should be a special person under unified command when operating, and other personnel should be clear about the division of labor; Determine a unified contact signal

⑤ When the gantry is running, no one is allowed to stand under the gantry and the heavy objects being lifted.

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